My name is Hope Moses and I am a third-year journalism student in the College of Communication at Marquette University. Who I am as a person, as a woman, as a leader, as a student and as a journalist was shaped by the people who raised me. I was raised just as much by my mother, as I was by my sister, my cousins, my aunts and uncle and grandmother; They say it takes a village to raise a child, and it took a village. My family sacrificed everything to give me the opportunity to be the first in my family to attend and graduate college -- even my sister who dropped out to create more money to fund my Marquette education -- and I will never forget the dreams people deferred to invest in mine. As a first-generation student in their 2nd semester of junior year, I am motivated, now more than ever, to finish college strong and continue to build a life my family can be proud of.
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